OTW Supports the Salt Lake Area Family Justice Center at the YWCA

OTW Safety was honored to support the Salt Lake Area Family Justice Center at the YWCA by donating barricades and signage for the Over the Edge event on Friday, October 26th. The event was held to raise awareness about domestic violence & sexual assault in our community and raise much-needed funds in support of the Family Justice Center. Over The Edge helps nonprofits and charities meet their fundraising goals with their unique adventure experience. This year participants got to rappel EIGHTEEN Stories down the Hilton Salt Lake City Center. We brought our crowd control barricades outfitted with informational and sponsorship signage to create a safe area at the bottom of the rappelling site. The colorful barricades served to keep bystanders out of harm’s way and draw attention to the sponsors of the event.
YWCA Utah is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. YWCA Utah advances the well-being of women in Utah through safety, opportunity, and advocacy. As a Utah small business we’re committed to giving back to charitable organization whose missions align with our own. We love being able to make tangible contributions that help non-profits raise awareness and money!
“We offer comprehensive, caring services from fourteen partners in one accessible location. When people seek help at the Family Justice Center, they find trauma-informed, compassionate professionals who work with them to identify their needs, help them set personally meaningful goals for a path forward, and assist them in navigating criminal justice and other systems to obtain the resources they need to change their lives.”
Learn more about the mission of the Family Justice Center on their website.